The Day After …

Yep, it’s the day after …

Oh, wait.

The Earth is still spinning.  No choppers or military fly overs.  People haven’t mysteriously disappeared.  Communication systems of the world weren’t overtaken by a crazy Hitler-ish dictator or Al-Kaida extremist and no one is telling me that my arm needs a tattooed ID.

And actually, the sun is shining.

I’m part of the 50% thrilled Barack Obama was elected.  In my community, I’m not so thrilled how all the elections worked out.  And unlike some of my social media friends, I’m not worried that Armageddon is here … nope … not one single bit.

The Preacher, Sunday School leaders and my mom promised me that Armageddon would happen. Pretty much the same way Fox News told 50% of the country it was going to happen if Barack Obama was re-elected.

As a little girl I had nightmares of a hellish movie Mom took me to see … she wanted me to accept the Lord as my personal Savior.  No better way to get your stubborn little girl to do what you want, scare the be-jeezus out of her.

So off we went to the Assembly of God Church.  I know … crossing over … but Mom was friends with all the church goers in town.

The movie and big event was Left Behind, a movie about the Rapture and what happens when Jesus Christ saves his followers and leaves you behind because you didn’t accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. Disappearing people, military takeover, chaos, … people running to hide, fires, people shooting at you.  Awesome flick to show a young elementary age child.  And to think she wouldn’t let me see an R rated movie until I was 16.

The movie successfully gave me nightmares … but I didn’t run to the pulpit to be prayed over or accept the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. Nope … please see previous comment about the stubborn girl.

And here we are.  It’s the day after.  Shall we have a roll call perhaps?  Should we start with the Swing States or the Red States? Okay.  Blue States will go first.

I know, folks sure are divided and angry with each other.  It’s time to move on.

As someone who has voted and worked on both sides of the aisle … and as someone who has worked with more non-partisan issues and candidates than partisan, I’d like to tell folks:

CHILL OUT!  (And if you need help in this area, I might suggest you go to Colorado or Washington and make use of legalized marijuana to induce your new-found chill.) 

There are no conspiracies.  The Democrat you fear is your sister, your neighbor, your cousin, or college roommate.   Homeland and Revolution are fiction.

It’s time to put your big boy and girl pants on.  You are here … The Rapture didn’t happen and you weren’t left behind.  Stop with the sassy look.  Turn off talk tv and radio.  Read a paper instead of listening to the hateful entertainment.  Call your neighbor whom you fear may be of the other party and have dessert or coffee.  

Let’s move on.  It is called compromise … and it can be done.